It is no hats men surprise many in the crypto community came to suspect that the tweets were not Trump's own. Preston Byrne, a pro-Trump blockchain lawyer, was among the president's supporters who expressed doubts over the message's authorship, adding, "This is more likely coming from the Treasury Department that'd be Secretary Mnuchin and at the behest in particular of the banks.
All in all, while it is hard to expect anything else than a firm no-coin stance from a public servant tasked with overseeing the U.S. national currency, the set of arguments that Donald Trump recently advanced have several pronounced gaps to take a dig at. Moreover, the ever-expanding blockchain-based financial system is not dad hats going anywhere as a result of Trump's tweets. It will remain right there, close behind the traditional institutions, waiting for The Donald or the next U.S. leader to address it in earnest.
Further, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez referred to Facebook bowler hat as "a surveillance corporation" in her statement. Regarding the membership of the Libra Association, Ocasio-Cortez asked, "Were they [the members] democratically elected?" After Marcus answered that they were not, but that the association is governed by membership standards, Ocasio-Cortez summed up Libra as "a currency controlled by an undemocratically-selected coalition of largely massive corporations."
Rep. Jim Himes from Connecticut suggested that Libra resembles an exchange-traded fund ( ETF ), which is a kind of investment fund that is hats kangol tied to the price of an underlying asset a commodity, an index, bonds or a basket of assets like an index fund and is traded on exchanges. Indeed, Libra will be backed by a reserve of assets ostensibly "designed to give it intrinsic value" and to mitigate volatility fluctuations. These assets consist of a basket of bank deposits and short-term government securities that will be held in the Libra Reserve for every Libra coin that is issued, according to the white paper .
While the general attitude toward Libra during the hearings was rather hostile, some Republican politicians seemed a bit more accepting of the idea, despite what President Donald Trump recently had to say on Twitter about cryptocurrencies and Facebook's project specifically. "Quite frankly, I don't care hats straw for Facebook," said Rep. Barry Loudermilk, a Republican from Georgia. "But I do appreciate anyone who challenges the status quo."
Maybe, for something else - as the official announcement of him getting fired contain the words "Universa always stands for transparency, integrity and compliance with all laws".All of that - while working in the business niche where its has virtually no competitors. Because everybody else tries to mimic Bitcoin in focusing on the "money transfers", or to mimic Ethereum focusing on dApps (and still calling them "smart contracts" even after the Vitalik's
words it was a mistake to call them smart contracts).